Introduction: Green pricing is an optional utility service
that allows customers an opportunity to support a greater level of
utility company investment in renewable energy technologies.
Participating customers pay a premium on their electric bill to cover
the extra cost of the renewable energy. Many utilities are offering
green pricing to build customer loyalty and expand business lines and
expertise prior to electric market competition.
Florida: Common Purpose Institute is a member of the Green-e
( Accreditation
Working Group, developing Standards for the marketing of Renewable
Energy by Energy Providers within the Florida. This Working Group is
comprised of various interests, such as environmental groups (Audubon
Society, Sierra Club); non- profit clean energy advocates (Southern
Alliance for Clean Energy, Florida LEAF); developers (i.e., landfill
gas); government agencies (Florida Department of Environmental
Protection); and electric utilities/energy providers (i.e., Tampa
Electric, Florida Power & Light, Lakeland Electric, Jacksonville
Electric, Gulf Power, Green Mountain).
The current "draft" (as of October 17, 2002) of Green Accreditation Standards for Florida are available on-line at(PDF Document ).
National: To date, more than 300 investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, and cooperatives have either implemented or announced plans to offer a green pricing option. Summaries of specific utility green pricing programs are provided
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